“Trump campaign accuses Democratic group of ‘election interference’ — for quoting Trump”

Philadelphia Inquirer:

Donald Trump urged his supporters in 2020 not to vote by mail calling it “totally corrupt.” Now, his campaign is speaking out against an ad featuring Trump’s own comments about mail ballots.

The ad, running on some websites in the state, is paid for by a Pennsylvania Democratic super PAC, and listed as such, but is framed to viewers as coming from the GOP….

Trump’s campaign sent a cease and desist letter to the super PAC, PA Values, on Tuesday, threatening legal action and accusing it of airing a false television ad that “may interfere with the right of Trump supporters to cast their ballots in Pennsylvania.”

“Pennsylvania Values PAC is peddling lies to prevent voters exercising their right to vote,” Brian Hughes, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign said. “President Trump has been clear that his supporters should use all legal methods to cast a ballot this election. … To say otherwise in advertising, as this false TV commercial does, represents an intentional effort to mislead Pennsylvania voters, suppress Trump supporters, and disrupt a fair election this Fall.”

The Trump campaign demanded the PAC “immediately end the ad” and said it “expects law enforcement officials in Pennsylvania to immediately review this issue.”

The listed treasurer for PA Values did not immediately return a request…

I have a piece on this situation posting soon at Slate.

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