“Race is an ever present source of tension in Trump Georgia case”

Amy Gardner for WaPo:

In the weeks that followed, the racist messages to Willis — some of them anonymous and difficult to trace — ramped up significantly in volume and tone, according to a sampling of them obtained by The Washington Post.

Willis received an email with her picture in it and the words, “You god damn N—–.” Another email shows her face imposed on a gallows. Another note, this one handwritten, says, “What? Some crackers have been b——’ about you putting that black buck of yours on the payroll? What’s their business? Don’t they now that’s the way n—— function?” The note ends with the phrase, “SLAVERY FOREVER.”

Willis said during a live interview at The Post last fall, “In the last three years I’ve been called the n-word so many times, I couldn’t even think to count how many.”

Now, the probing of Willis’s private life has unleashed a new round of bigoted attacks perpetuating ugly sexual stereotypes about Black men and women.

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