Washington state’s signature-verification procedures are meant to root out exceedingly rare cases of voter fraud. But what they’ve typically done is get a lot of innocent legal votes tossed out. In 2020 alone, the state rejected more than 24,000 ballots.
And legal votes from voters with Latino- or Hispanic-sounding names, like Reyes or Mendoza, tend to get unfairly disqualified more frequently.
In the eight counties with the highest number of Latino voters, InvestigateWest’s data analysis concluded back in 2021 that voters with Hispanic-sounding names were four times more likely to have their votes discarded than other voters. . . .
Following that report, UCLA’s Voting Rights Project sued three central Washington counties — Benton, Yakima and Chelan — where the disparities were particularly large, alleging racial discrimination. After years of litigation, the counties have finally settled, under an agreement that requires them to hold semiannual signature-verification training for county election staff and volunteers, as well as cultural competency training.