“The List: What’s in & out for election administration in 2024”

From M. Mindy Moretti – go to electionline for the full list:

You’ve waited all year for it, so without further ado, here is electionline Weekly’s annual list of what’s in and what’s out in election administration for 2024. . .

Out: Bipartisan support of ERIC
In:  Partisan efforts to reproduce ERIC . . .

Out:  Deep fakes using Photoshop
In:  Deep fakes using Dall-E . . .

Out: Election-night hand counts…
In: Hand counts for audits and recounts. . .

Out: Denying incarcerated citizens the right to vote
In: Allow voting from penal institutions…

Out: Vilifying election administrators over results
In: Candidates accepting victory/defeat with grace…

Out: Worrying about voter turnout
In: Worrying about election official burnout…

Out: Twitter/X as a meaningful outreach tool
In: Literally anything else…

Out: Being surprised by election mis/disinformation on social media
In: Being prepared with social listening…

Out: Mis- and disinformation
In: Bad actors being held accountable…

Out: Fear
In: Courage…

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