Dan Balz in the Washington Post on expanding the U.S. House, multi-member districts and proportional representation, ranked-choice voting and open primaries, reforming the U.S. Senate, eliminating the electoral college, reforming the U.S. Supreme Court, voting rights, and bridging divisions and civic education.
Lee Drutman on “Proportional representation and presidentialism work just fine together”
Tom Rogers on Protect Democracy’s new fusion voting report in Newsweek:
. . . [M]any voters could very well see five uncompetitive candidates on their ballot this November. . . In all likelihood, a multi-candidate ballot would splinter the pro-democracy vote—and increase the likelihood that former President Donald Trump returns to the White House. . . .
But the answer is not for minor parties to throw in the towel: in a diverse and pluralistic society like ours, we would benefit from more than two outlets for constructive political expression and association. . . .
Instead, we should allow minor parties to cross-nominate one of the two competitive, major party candidates. . . .
The anti-authoritarian group Protect Democracy just released a new study, Fusion Voting and a Revitalized Role for Minor Parties in Presidential Elections, that details the decisive impact of minor party cross-nominations where fusion has remained lawful. They conclude that allowing presidential cross-nomination from a minor party championing political centrism and moderation could have an outsized impact in our polarized politics today.