This looks interesting:
American democracy is in crisis. The country has become deeply divided along partisan lines, causing Americans to turn against each other. Compromise has become scarce, while threats of political violence have risen.
But there’s hope in an unlikely place: Alaska.
In 2022, Alaska completed its first election under its new electoral system, known as “Final Four.” This electoral system consists of a nonpartisan, “top four” open primary, in which any individual regardless of political party affiliation can cast their vote for their preferred candidate in each race. The top four candidates then move on to the general election, where they are voted on via ranked choice voting.
This reform provides voters with more choices in the primary election and a greater ability to express their preferences at the general election. Early results indicate this reform can decrease polarization and help incentivize consensus building and more bipartisan governing.
Please join the Center for American Progress for a conversation about the impact of Alaska’s electoral reform, featuring three Alaska state legislators from across the political spectrum: state Senate Majority Leader Cathy Giessel (R), state House Minority Leader Calvin Schrage (not affiliated), and state Rep. Genevieve Mina (D).