Really Troubling Findings About Democracy and the Potential for Violence in New Poll of the Opinions of Both Democrats and Republicans

Playbook’s summary of the new poll:

New polling from the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics shows an intensely divided country in which partisan rancor has grown so deep that many Americans support authoritarian or unconstitutional proposals. To wit, here’s the percentage of respondents that at least somewhat back radical ideas:

  • Exploring alternatives to democracy: 31% of DONALD TRUMP supporters, 24% of Biden supporters.
  • Using violence to stop the other side: 41% of Biden supporters, 38% of Trump supporters.
  • Suspending elections in times of crisis: 30% of Trump supporters, 25% of Biden supporters.
  • Red or blue states seceding from the union: 41% of Trump supporters, 30% of Biden supporters.
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