“Republicans plan efforts to tout early voting tactics they once vilified”


Former president Donald Trump and Republican allies have long vilified mail-in voting and what is called ballot harvesting, alleging without presenting evidence that the practices are rife with fraud and encouraging Republicans to vote in person instead. . . .

But now, after disappointing election results in 2020 and 2022, Republicans close to Trump are seeking to raise hundreds of millions of dollars to build programs that would encourage some of the practices that the former president and other Republicans once decried, according to documents reviewed by The Washington Post and interviews with GOP operatives involved in the programs. . . .

An RNC spokeswoman says the national party will create state-by-state websites to tell voters how to cast their ballots early and “conduct focus groups and message testing on how best to communicate with Republican voters on pre-Election Day voting, equipping Republican leadership and candidates to deliver a unified message nationwide.” RNC executives have held meetings with multiple lawmakers and strategists seeking national buy-in for a program they are calling “Bank the Vote.”

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