“Lee Drutman responds to Steven Hill: ‘Yes, Fusion does offer a new horizon for US Politics'”

Lee Drutman defends fusion voting as a policy that modern reformers should push for:

As a political scientist who studies electoral systems and the role of political parties in our democracy,  I want to explain here why I see fusion voting as a powerful way to in fact address some of the “troubling toxicities” in the immediate term. I like it in the immediate term because it can create an instant home for anti-MAGA Republicans who want to support Democratic candidates (or punish Republicans) without supporting the Democratic party, managing the most immediate existential threat to democracy.

 I like it for the long term because I also believe fusion voting creates a particularly promising pathway to fundamentally alter the destructive winner-take-all system. To move beyond the winner-take-all system means moving beyond the two-party system. Fusion is a pro-parties strategy that builds more parties. More parties can move us towards proportional representation.

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