“Election Day Problems Inflame Voter Fraud Conspiracies in Houston”

Bolts Magazine has this nice analysis of the way administrative incompetence on Election Day in Harris County is fueling Republican conspiracy theories. Harris County experienced notable (if not necessarily widespread) problems on Election Day: Polls opened late; they were understaffed, and they ran out of paper. The kind of things that drive voters and election lawyers mad. But now the stories are bringing out the truly mad, as election deniers fill meetings waiting “their turn at the mic to chastise county commissioners and local election officials” to rant with quotes from the Book of Ezekiel.

Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, probably has it right:

“There seem to have been some mistakes made but all these investigations and legal challenges are more about manufacturing justifications for new voting restrictions, not about trying to make sure everyone is able to vote in the future.”

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