On Wednesday, the National Constitution Center is hosting a webinar as part of its Guardrails of Democracy project. The specific topic is “Election 2022: Are We Ready?” David French, Ilya Somin, and I will be participating on behalf of the three teams that NCC created to prepare reports for the Guardrails project.
In addition, Ilya recently hosted a symposium of blog posts at the Volokh Conspiracy on the Guardrails project. Here are links to the symposium pieces:
Lana Ulrich, The National Constitution Center’s “Restoring the Guardrails of Democracy” Initiative
Edward Foley, Three Reforms to Protect Democracy from Election Denialism
Walter Olson, Restoring the Guardrails of Democracy: A Libertarian View
David French, An Upgrade, not a Rebuild
Walter Olsen, Guardrails of Democracy, Extended: Comparing Notes On The Team Libertarian Report
Edward Foley, Three Points of Agreement on Democracy Protection