“Senate Panel To Vote on Federal Election Commission Nominee”

CQ Politics offers this report. BNA reports ($) on bipartisan support for Sullivan, and says: “Schumer indicated during the hearing that he was aware of concerns about the FEC’s recent operations, including an increasing number of 3-3 deadlocked votes on enforcement matters and other items. The chairman indicated that his committee may focus on further FEC oversight in the future but did not want to bog down the Sullivan nomination.”
A hearing on the problems at the FEC would be quite warranted. I wonder if Mr. Sullivan, if confirmed, will be joining Commissioner Bauerly (former counsel to Senator Schumer) in these partisan votes and statements of reasons. Commissioner Walther has generally voted with Bauerly and Weintraub, but he has not joined Bauerly and Weintraub in many of their statements of reasons in cases splitting the commissioners on party lines.

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