Things Getting Worse, Much Worse, in Terms of FEC Enforcement

Check out this extraordinary statement of reasons issued by Commissioners Weintraub and Bauerly involving apparently blatant violations of campaign law by a candidate committee in failing to make a good faith effort to file accurate contribution reports. At first, the FEC unanimously voted that there was reason to believe that the treasurer violated federal reporting laws. The committee was then ready to enter into a conciliation agreement with the FEC, but the three new Republican commissioners objected, and eventually the case was closed, with no conciliation, no resolution against the treasurer, and thus far no explanation from the three Republican commissioners as to why they would vote in this way. Commissioners Bauerly and Weintraub call this result “inexplicable” and say that it will “promote disrespect for the law and encourage noncompliance.”
This disturbing trend of 3-3 partisan splits at the FEC still has gotten very little attention from the MSM.

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