“Unaffiliated voters overtake Democrats, now largest voting bloc in North Carolina”


Raleigh, N.C. — The North Carolina State Board of Elections on Saturday said unaffiliated voters now represent the largest share of the state’s electorate.

The latest weekly update reflects a sizable increase in voters choosing to either switch out of their partisan label or not register with any political party in the first place.

Of the more than 7.2 million registered voters today, nearly 2.5 million are unaffiliated. That’s 34.5% of all voters. There are almost 2.5 million Democrats and 2.2 million Republicans, according to state elections data….

Over the past two decades, the proportion of Democratic voters has steadily declined, while GOP affiliations have remained largely flat.

Data from the state elections board shows nearly 900,000 of the state’s more than 5 million voters in January 2004 were unaffiliated, or 17.7% of registered voters. Nearly 47.6% of voters were Democrats and 34.5% were Republicans.

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