“Crossover voting will remain in Wyoming after party affiliation bill dies in Legislature “

Here’s your daily story from the Caspar (Wyoming) Star Tribune:

The Donald Trump-endorsed crossover voting bill died Tuesday in the Wyoming House after it was not considered by a legislative deadline.

The bill aimed to end same-day party affiliation changes, meaning voters would not have been able to switch parties in roughly the three months prior to a primary. If the measure had become law, voters may not have known for certain who was running before having to register with a certain party.

Backers wanted to prevent Democrats and independents from changing their registration on election day in order to cast a ballot in Republican primaries, a practice commonly known as crossover voting. For Wyoming’s far right, passing a ban on crossover voting took on new importance this year. Opponents of Rep. Liz Cheney worry the practice will benefit her by allowing Trump critics to change their affiliation and vote for her.

That concern was enough that Trump himself weighed in on the matter, sending out a statement last month urging lawmakers to pass the bill. Trump took a special interest in Wyoming’s House race after Cheney voted to impeach him over the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

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