“As electoral college formalizes Biden’s win, Trump backers hold their own vote”


Republicans in six states won by President-elect Joe Biden held their own electoral college-style votes Monday for President Trump — hoping that future court decisions would throw out Biden’s votes and count the GOP ones instead.

These votes have no legal meaning, according to election law experts. The law only recognizes votes from electors chosen according to state law — which, in every one of these states, is the Democratic electors.

But many Republicans who had been chosen to cast electoral votes for Trump still gathered to cast them. They said they were employing a tactic used by Democrats in Hawaii in an election 60 years ago — casting votes that don’t count, in the hopes that a later court decision would give them force.

This year, that seems very unlikely to work.

Jonathan Lai helpfully went down some of the rabbit holes with Ned Foley and Derek Muller.

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