PA Quote of the Day

From the Philly Inquirer:

“If state leaders want to run the risk of negative national news coverage during a presidential election in a battleground state with the anticipated high turnout, then they should do nothing,” Jeff Snyder, a Republican county commissioner in central Pennsylvania’s Clinton County, said Thursday. “The General Assembly must give counties additional time before Election Day to begin the time consuming manual work” of preparing ballots to be counted.”

This is the issue Ned Foley, Michael Morley, and I discussed last week on PA law and the 2020 election, in front of a PA audience. In my view, this is the most troubling issue for the election there is still time for lawmakers to fix. Why is the PA legislature not listening to the state’s election administrators about what they need to ensure a smooth election process?

Here is a link to our PC conference, in which much of the discussion dealt with this issue:

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