Wednesday Bipartisan Policy Center E-Briefing: “Voting in the Time of Corona”

Annoucement via Email:

Voting in the Time of Corona 
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
1-2 p.m. ET
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The COVID-19 pandemic has already resulted in the postponement of elections across the country and will continue to impact elections throughout 2020. How will officials administer elections during this crisis? Some believe a rapid expansion of vote by mail may hold the answers, though the short timeframe will pose challenges. In-person voting options will likely be necessary and may remain more widespread than we might think during this extended, global shelter-in-place. No matter the outcome, each solution will require election officials to overhaul their plans to ensure all eligible Americans can vote in November.  Join Matthew Weil as he discusses key considerations for policymakers and administrators to ensure a successful 2020 Presidential election. Weil will be joined by state and local election administrators as well as the director of the MIT Election Data and Science Lab.  
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