Bauer v. Potter on Voter Fraud Allegations in Michigan

Bob Bauer’s latest post sets forth an issue that’s been discussed on the election law listserv.
I won’t restate the debate here, but let me say that after reading Trevor’s post and Bob’s response, I stand by my claim that this charge is unsubstantiated, and I am very troubled that Trevor has still said nothing to distance himself from the McComb County Chair’s statement about “the kind of ballot integrity Democrats favor in Michigan.”
Lest anyone think I simply agree with whatever Bob says (and regular readers of this blog would know that I do not), I am ever more convinced that the primary purpose of Bob’s suit against the Republicans in Michigan is for p.r. purposes. It reinforces the voter suppression meme of the Democrats. To be clear, there is some genuine voter suppression activity (which I have chronicled). But I believe that claims of voter suppression are also brought out by Democrats for political purposes. I also think, as I’ve chronicled ad nauseum on this blog, that Republicans use unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud all the time for political purposes.

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