Dusting Off the Explainer

A few weeks ago, I linked to this Slate Explainer on what the parties would have to do to replace a presidential or vice presidential candidate on the ballot. The occasion there was my speculation (now quite unlikely) that Sen. McCain might drop Gov. Palin from the ticket.
I started thinking about the Explainer this morning when I read this Los Angeles Times article on Sen. Biden releasing 10 years of his tax records. The article concludes by noting: “Biden, who underwent brain surgery for a life-threatening aneurysm in 1988, has yet to release his medical records.”
Andrew Sullivan has been beating this drum for some time, and Ben Smith got assurances on Sept. 4 that they were coming “very soon.”
Well it certainly didn’t take the campaign long to release the tax returns, once it became clear that Palin’s tax returns might present an issue for the Democrats. The delay in releasing those health records makes me wonder if there is something in there that is worrisome.

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