During this week, I posted some great contributions from a number of important election law voices on the future of partisan gerrymandering after the Supreme Court’s opinion in Rucho. Thanks to all for participating!
Here are the posts:
Ned Foley: Blame the Constitution, Not the Court (Rucho Symposium)
Joey Fishkin: Rucho: A Sinkhole Dangerously Close to the House (Rucho symposium)
Nick Stephanopoulos: The Denouement of Kennedy’s Retirement (Rucho Symposium)
Bruce Cain: Back to Institutional Basics (Rucho Symposium)
Franita Tolson: Taking the Elections Clause Seriously after Rucho v. Common Cause (Rucho symposium)
Sam Issacharoff: When Constraint Fails (Rucho Symposium)
Keith Gaddie: After Rucho: Fifty Thickets (Rucho Symposium)
Rick Pildes: What Do Voters Think Independent Redistricting Commissions Should Do? (Rucho Symposium)
Justin Levitt: The Soft Bigotry of Low Legislative Expectations (Rucho Symposium)
Mike Parsons: Rucho’s Antidemocratic Instinct: “This is not law.” (Rucho Symposium)
Michael Morley: Rucho, Legal Fictions, and the Judicial Models of Voters (Rucho Symposium)
Guy Charles and Luis Fuentes-Rohwer: Rucho: Democracy and Banality (Rucho symposium)
Rebecca Green: A Spade is a Spade (Rucho Symposium)
Sam Wang: Resolving the proportional representation problem for state courts (Rucho Symposium)