No, It’s Like Saying We Should Outlaw Driving Because Someone’s Car Might Fly

The Capital Times (WI) offers Partisan fighting over voter fraud continues. From the end of the article:

    According to Stone, he’s held hearings at which people have testified that when they showed up to vote, someone had already voted in their name. He said prosecutors have told him that they can’t prosecute such crimes because the people who cast the illegal votes didn’t have to show an ID, and so could not be positively identified.
    In a battleground state like Wisconsin, such a concerted effort to steal votes could bear fruit, he said.
    “If you have a total swing of 4,000 or 5,000 votes, that could make a difference in a statewide election,” he said.
    Requiring voters to show an ID would eliminate the problem, he said.
    To Parisi, it’s more election year hooey.
    “I would challenge anyone making that claim to show me actual cases in which people actually did vote fraudulently,” he said. “That’s like saying we should outlaw driving because someone might speed.”
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