True the Vote Lists Areas With High Minority Populations as “Hotspots” for Election “Integrity” Efforts

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Dear Supporter,

With little more than a month until the general election, the battle for election integrity is raging from coast to coast – and as the Wall Street Journal rightly reported, the Senate Fight Unfolds on Deep Red Terrain. True the Vote went out on a bit of a limb when we forecasted our target states, but polls are now showing that all ten of our targets have races with extremely narrow margins; so we are focused in the right places. Here’s what’s on our radar:

Make no mistake, integrity is critical in all elections, in every state. We’ve chosen to highlight these races because they are soooo close, which makes it all the more important for well-trained volunteers to help uphold the rule of law at every step of the electoral process. With that in mind, here’s what True the Vote is doing, online and on the ground:

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