“New Voter ID Suit Filed”

Indiana Lawyer offers this update.
You can find the complaint, brought under the Indiana State Constitution, at the Indiana Law Blog.
Indiana Secretary of State Todd Rokita issued a press release, which reads in pertinent part:

    “This lawsuit will result in the resources of state government being focused on this issue yet again and once again at taxpayer expense.
    The highest court in the land has taken a close and careful look at this law and upheld it. I am confident this latest attempt to undo Indiana’s exemplary photo ID law will also fail.
    We have had eight successful elections in Indiana since the photo ID requirement was installed. Voter turnout has increased since the implementation of the photo ID law. Voters have better confidence in the process and are willing to invest their time again. I will continue to stand strong in protecting Hoosier voters and taxpayers by demanding accessible AND secure elections.
    Those who continue to be concerned that a handful of voters will have trouble complying with the requirement should instead mirror our efforts to inform Hoosiers of this common-sense requirement and the myriad ways they can comply with it on Election Day.
    Indiana has got some real problems, and this isn’t one of them.”

Of course, the Crawford case at the Supreme Court considered a facial challenge to the law under the U.S. Constitution. This is a state constitutional law challenge. Recently the Missouri Supreme Court struck down Missouri’s voter identification law under the state constitution.

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