“Libertarians Dream of Being the Tie-Breaker”

This article appeared in the NY Times Week in Review. Stuart Rothenberg’s Roll Call column ($) is on the same subject. It begins: “It was sometime toward the end of Saturday afternoon, May 24, that I concluded that the Libertarian Party is about as politically tone-deaf as anyone or any organization that I have ever observed.” It concludes: “Some voters have always thrown away their votes, casting them for parties and candidates who have no chance of winning. That’s fine, of course. It’s a free country, and if some voters want to make a statement about Iraq, drug legalization, taxes, the two-party system or whatever, that’s their right. But the Libertarians deserve no more attention than any other largely irrelevant third party — which isn’t much at all.” Recent polls have shown Bob Barr polling up to 6 or 7 percent, but that seems doubtful as a predictor for November results at this point.

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