Monthly Archives: December 2015
“Common Cause: Citizens United Isn’t Blocking Reforms”
TWC News:
The good-government group Common Cause vehemently disagreed with Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s assertion on Monday in a radio interview that the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Citizens United case made it impossible for major campaign-finance law changes.… Continue reading
“Tea party groups see win in end-of-year omnibus bill”
Two-and-a-half years after the Internal Revenue Service apologized for using “inappropriate criteria” to scrutinize tea party-aligned nonprofits applying for tax-exempt status, President Barack Obama has signed into law a new measure that makes it easier for nonprofit groups… Continue reading
Litigant in “Most Significant Application” of Bush v. Gore Precedent Cannot Run Again for Judge Because of Felony Conviction
Election law nerds spent a lot of time on Hunter v. Hamilton County Board of Elections, a case in which the Sixth Circuit revived a strong reading of the Supreme Court’s Bush v. Gore decision as an equal… Continue reading
“Return of the States”
Ruth Greenwood with a Star Wars-themed election law piece:
In the wake of Shelby County v Holder[1] and the hundreds of restrictions on voting rights passed by state legislatures in the last five years,[2] Ben Cady and Tom… Continue reading
“Clinton campaign sweats out data breach damage”
Accusing your opponent of committing evil and unpardonable crimes is basic presidential campaign jujitsu. But Hillary’s Clinton’s team is genuinely jittery about the sneak peek taken by Bernie Sanders staffers into their secret voter file.
The unauthorized fishing expedition… Continue reading
“How to Block Minority Representation, Yesterday and Today”
David Graham at The Atlantic.
“Voting only by mail can decrease turnout. Or increase it. Wait, what?”
Elizabeth Bergman at The Monkey Cage.
“White House surrenders on ‘dark money’ regulation”
Q & A with Anthony Johnstone on Litigating Campaign Finance Cases in Montana
Must Read: Richard Re on “The New Holy Trinity”
Back in September I flagged a forthcoming article by Richard Re, in The Green Bag. The piece is now out, and it is brilliant. This is one of those things that you read and you say, “Damn, why didn’t… Continue reading
“Sanders’s Campaign Says It’s Outpacing Obama’s Record for Donations”
Shortly after the Democratic presidential primary debate on Saturday night, Senator Bernie Sanders’s campaign announced that he had outpaced Barack Obama’s record for the number of contributions in a presidential race, with more than 2.2 million donations.
Mr.… Continue reading
“Hospitality and Gambling Interests Delay Closing of Billion-Dollar Tax Loophole”
In the span of a mere 11 days this month, $1 billion in future federal tax payments vanished.
As congressional leaders were hastily braiding together a tax and spending bill of more than 2,000 pages, lobbyists swooped in… Continue reading
“Editorial: Poll Workers Needed”
Cincinnati Enquirer:
That’s the obvious takeaway from the county Board of Elections’ recent post-mortem of the snafu-filled Nov. 3 election.
The board found that 84 percent of its polling stations had problems on Election Day. Among other issues, many poll… Continue reading