Category Archives: fraudulent fraud squad

“Internal Alarm, Public Shrugs: Facebook’s Employees Dissect Its Election Role; Company documents show that the social network’s employees repeatedly raised red flags about the spread of misinformation and conspiracies before and after the contested November vote.”

NYT: Sixteen months before last November’s presidential election, a researcher at Facebook described an alarming development. She was getting content about the conspiracy theory QAnon within a week of opening an experimental account, she wrote in an internal report.On… Continue reading

John Eastman, in National Review Interview, Tries to Distance Himself from His Own Memo Suggesting How VP Pence Could Steal the Election for Trump, Repudiates Its Major Points

Signs that Eastman is getting increasingly desperate to distance himself from his false claims that the election was stolen from Trump and that VP Pence could unilaterally steal it back for him when Congress was supposed to confirm the Electoral… Continue reading

Claremont Institute, Lying About What John Eastman Proposed to Do In the 2020 Election (Have the VP Stage a Coup), Complains About Federalist Society Shutting Eastman Out of Annual Conference

Here is the mendacious statement. Steve Vladeck: The @ClaremontInst is attempting to whitewash John Eastman’s “how to coup in six easy steps” memo by blatantly misrepresenting what Eastman actually wrote. Among other things, Eastman falsely claimed there were dueling… Continue reading