Category Archives: absentee ballots

Federal District Court in South Carolina Holds It Unconstitutional to Apply Witness Requirement to Absentee Ballots for June Primary in Light of COVID; Rejects Motion to Extend Deadline for Receipt of Absentee Ballots Postmarked by Election Day

You can find the district court’s opinion at this link. On the witness requirement, the district court found that South Carolina does not use the witness requirement to ferret out voter fraud and in any case there is virtually nothing… Continue reading

“Trump’s bogus attacks on mail-in voting could hurt his supporters, too; The president is undermining democracy. He could also be undermining his own campaign.”

I have written this piece for the Washington Post. It begins: On Wednesday morning, President Trump threatened to withhold aid from Michigan and Nevada because of purportedly illegal activity related to absentee ballots. In reality, the states are doing nothing… Continue reading

“Trump Steps Up Attacks on Mail Vote, Making False Claims About Fraud; President Trump threatened to withhold federal funding for Michigan and Nevada if the states moved forward in expanding vote by mail.”

NYT:  President Trump on Wednesday escalated his assault against mail voting, falsely claiming that Michigan and Nevada were engaged in voter fraud and had acted illegally, and threatening to withhold federal funds to those states if they proceed in… Continue reading

“What is ballot harvesting and how is it affecting Southern California elections? Misinformation and deeply partisan divides over ballot collecting remain, even as both parties tap the strategy heading into November.”

OC Register: Even the term for the process is contentious. Republicans uniformly call it “ballot harvesting,” implying that election results are planted and plucked from a field of voters. Democrats and voting rights advocates prefer the term “ballot collection,”… Continue reading

Breaking: Texas Supreme Court Temporarily Reverses Lower Appeals Court in Absentee Ballot Case, Meaning AG Paxton Can Keep Telling Counties That Voters Can’t Claim Fear of Contracting COVID-19 As Basis to Vote By Mail

The order, with no noted dissents and no reasoning, is here. Oral argument will be on May 20. The stay is temporary, pending resolution of the case. My earlier coverage is: Divided Texas Appeals Court Imposes Stay Pending Appeal Continue reading