“I’m the only candidate up here who is not a billionaire. I don’t have a Super PAC. I don’t even have a back pack. I carry my stuff around loose in my arms like a professor, you know, between classes.… Continue reading
Via the Onion:
Q: What is the purpose of super PACs?
A: To counteract the excessive influence ordinary voters exert on U.S. elections….
Q: Isn’t it true that super PACs drown out the voices of everyday Americans with their… Continue reading
Obituary: “Also, the family respectfully asks that you not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. R.I.P. Grandaddy.”
More here, via David Wiseanant, WBTV. The comments to this Twitter post crack a lot of jokes about how the dead grandfather… Continue reading
WaPo: “In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision striking down a key portion of the Voting Rights Act, a group of Southern House Republicans have put forward a congressional resolution declaring that ‘racism is a thing of the… Continue reading
AP: “In the latest in a series of rulings stemming from the ‘John Doe’ campaign finance investigation in Wisconsin, a federal district judge has ruled that individuals have a constitutional right to spend unlimited sums in coordination with a… Continue reading