Category Archives: federal election commission

FEC Commissioner Weintraub Statement on Ongoing Litigation to Stop FEC from Revealing Identity of Those Found to Have Illegally Hid Names of Contributors

Troubling: COVER LETTER TO THE STATEMENT OF COMMISSIONER ELLEN L. WEINTRAUB IN MUR 6920 (AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE UNION) DECEMBER 19, 2017 Due to pending litigation, I must take the unprecedented step of releasing the attached statement with the identities of certain… Continue reading

“Trump, Twitter, and the Russians: The Growing Obsolescence of Federal Campaign Finance Law”

Tony Gaughan has posted this draft on SSRN (forthcoming, Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal).  Here is the abstract: Since the 1970s, federal campaign finance law has been built on four pillars. The first is contribution limits on donations to candidate… Continue reading