A new survey by Civics finds that young and independent voters do not appreciate unsolicited emails and text messages from multiple campaigns and they would rather they stopped.
The survey analysts conclude: “Democrats are at risk of burning out their base of grassroots donors and driving away independent voters by continuing to send huge volumes of unsolicited emails and text messages.”
Key findings of the survey include:
- A full 72% of independents and 67% of 18–34-year-olds indicated they would elect to stop receiving all political campaign emails and texts if that were possible.
- Clear majorities of independents (57%) and 18–34-year-olds (59%) agreed with the statement: “I get too many impersonal emails and text messages from Democratic campaigns that I never signed up for.”
- Among the crucial 18-34 demographic that played a major role in propelling many Democratic campaigns to victory, a full 50% described Democratic fundraising emails as “mostly annoying” while just 5% described them as “mostly helpful.”
The survey was conducted online between November 10-14 among 1,260 self-identified Democrats and Independents who voted Democratic in the 2016 or 2020 presidential elections.