The Washington Examiner headline does not match the story.
And it’s sadly been amplified by Eric Brown, who is counsel to FEC Commissioner Hunter.
Here’s the Q & A with Ann:
Ann Ravel, now a lecturer at the University of California Berkeley Law School, told an alumni magazine that the FEC has taken cases biased against the Republicans.
Q: Where do the cases that come before the FEC come from? Is there any possibility that they could be in some way biased against Republicans?
Ravel: Absolutely. The cases have come primarily from watchdog groups, and most of those groups are on the liberal side.
From this statement, the Washington Examiner concludes: “A former Democratic chair of the Federal Election Commission who repeatedly rejected charges she was targeting Republicans and conservative websites like the Drudge Report has admitted that the agency has an anti-GOP bias.”
Oh please. The statement show that *the cases that come before the FEC* may be biased, and not that the agency itself, or Ann Ravel, is biased.
I’m not even sure Ann is right about the relative number of complaints lodged by watchdog groups against Democrats and Republicans.