George Clooney on the Difference Between Him and the Koch Brothers

Very interesting Meet the Press interview with Chuck Todd:

Meet the Press – April 17, 2016




Let me start with dinner you co-hosted on Friday night, a big fundraiser. I know that you have plans for later tonight. Do you look at how much is being raised and, I think the cost of the friday night dinner $353,000 a couple to be a co-chair, do you look at it yourself and think, “That’s an obscene amount of money?”


Yes. I think it’s an obscene amount of money. I think that, you know, we had some protesters last night when we pulled up in San Francisco and they’re right to protest. They’re absolutely right. It is an obscene amount of money. The Sanders campaign when they talk about it is absolutely right. It’s ridiculous that we should have this kind of money in politics. I agree completely….


Do you think people that are coming to your event tonight and went last night, that they think they’re gonna get extra access to Hillary Clinton, to a President Clinton?


No. I actually don’t think that’s true. I think there is a difference between the Koch brothers and us, you know? The difference is if I succeed, if we succeed in electing an entire Congress which would be quite a success but a Senate and a President, you know, the tax policies that they would enact would probably cost us a lot more money quite honestly.

The Koch brothers would profit if they get their way and that’s what, you know, there’s no profit for us in this. You know, understanding this: Koch brothers have said that they’re gonna spend $900 million not on the presidency but on the down-ticket, on the senators and the congressman and the gubernatorial races and local races. And so our job is to try and counter that in some way.

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