Jim Bopp On the Hunt

Two press releases from Jim today.  One describes a request for a trial court to change its mind on a 2009 decision approving New York City’s laws prohibiting contributions from certain business entities (LLCs, LLPs, and partnerships), and placing special campaign finance restrictions on lobbyists and those doing business with the city.  The filing cites McCutcheon as a reason to change course.

The other describes Jim’s attempt to return to the Supreme Court on the issue in Doe v. Reed: disclosure in the face of threats, harassment, or other reprisals.  In Doe v. Reed, the Court rejected a facial challenge to a law requiring disclosure of signatories to referendum petitions (the referendum in question involved an expanded domestic partnership law in Washington State; supporters of the law won the referendum vote).  But SCOTUS set/reaffirmed the legal standard for an as-applied challenge to particular disclosure laws.  Now, in a case involving the contributors to a PAC supporting California’s Prop 8, Jim is looking for the Supreme Court to reverse two lower courts, expunge the relevant contribution records, and prevent further disclosure.

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