Foley, Pitts, and Douglas, Election Law and Litigation: The Judicial Regulation of Politics

Congratulations to Ned Foley, Mike Pitts, and Josh Douglas on the publication of their new casebook with Aspen. This makes the fifth casebook in the field (meaning there are just about the same number of casebooks as people teaching the course!).

The five books are:

Lowenstein, Hasen, and Tokaji, Election Law–Cases and Materials (5th ed. 2012)

Issacharoff, Karlan and Pildes, The Law of Democracy (4th ed. 2012)

Dimino, Smith, and Solimine, Voting Rights and Election Law (2010)

Gardner and Charles, Electon Law in the American Political System (2012)

and now the new Foley, Pitts, and Douglas book




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