Election Truthers…..Part II

The following statement arrived via email:

Voter Fraud in Ohio!

November 12th, 2:15 p.m., Medina, Ohio. The following is a statement from the Ohio Christian Alliance:

In the six days following the November 6th Presidential Election, reports are surfacing from eye witness testimony of our volunteers, poll workers, poll observers, and election officials, detailing a story of widespread voter fraud and in some instances election fraud. The Ohio Christian Alliance, working in cooperation with other nonprofit organizations and a pool of volunteer researchers, will be conducting a detailed investigation of these reports in the coming weeks. We will report to the media, the Ohio Legislature, and the Ohio Secretary of State’s office and the Attorney General of the State of Ohio for possible prosecution of violators of election laws in response to our findings.

OCA President Chris Long made the following statement, “The integrity of the election process is one which the people of the State of Ohio hold in high regard. When that process is violated with voter and election fraud, it diminishes the vote of every properly registered voter in Ohio. It is imperative that these reports be given the full attention they deserve in answering the question – Is our election process fair and is it secure from widespread voter fraud? The evidence that is mounting is undeniable that voter fraud took place this election in Ohio, and that not enough is being done to address the concerns of Ohioans in response to it. These initial reports demand a response of a full investigation from elected officials, the media, and the Attorney General’s office so that the public’s trust can be restored in the election process in Ohio that it is both fair and accurate.”



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