Obama Micro Donors, and More on the FEC reports

Two interesting Open Secrets tweets

OpenSecretsDC OpenSecrets.org

47% of $46M raised during Q2 by @BarackObama came from small-dollar donors giving <$200 #politics #2012 #obama #p2 #tcot

20 minutes ago

OpenSecretsDC OpenSecrets.org
1% of $39M raised by Obama Victory Fund 2012 – the cmte benefiting #Obama & #DNC – came from small-dollar donors in Q2, those giving <$200

21 minutes ago

I wrote about Obama micro-donors and micro-donations in 2008 here and here.

And here’s more great stuff mined from today’s reports by the Center for Responsive Politics:

Fund-Raising Reports Reveal Presidential Candidate Haves — and Have Nots

Published on July 15, 2011 11:33 PMAfter weeks of speculation, President Barack Obama’s campaign is on track to setting presidential fund-raising records while many Republican candidates are suffering from debt, numerous competitors and a general lack of commitment from big-dollar donors. … (Continue)

Elite Fund-Raisers Help Presidential Candidates Rake in Millions

Published on July 15, 2011 11:13 PMToday, President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign released the names of 244 bundlers, which the campaign dubbed “volunteer fund-raisers,” who collected at least $50,000 each on behalf of the president’s re-election…. (Continue)

Few Senators File Fund-Raising Reports Electronically

Published on July 15, 2011 8:13 PM

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