Jimmy Hoover for the NLJ:
In Louisiana v. Callais, the Supreme Court will soon hear appeals to uphold the remedial map by an unlikely alliance of the state of Louisiana and the NAACP Louisiana State Conference and other supporters of the new map, codified as S.B. 8.
In a December brief, the Biden DOJ urged the Supreme Court to “vacate”the lower court’s ruling in light of its “failure to apply the proper” legal framework for racial gerrymandering cases. Former U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar had even sought argument time for her office when the case is heard by the court.
On Friday, however, Harris—a former Williams & Connolly partner—advised the court that she was rescinding the DOJ’s position in the case.
Following the change in Administration, the Department of Justice hasreconsidered the government’s position in these cases,” she wrote.
“The purpose of this letter is to notify the Court that the previously filed brief no longer represents the position of the United States,” Harris added. “In addition, the United States is withdrawing its pending motion to participate in the oral argument.”…