Ground Game: LULAC Endorses Harris

CBS News: The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the nation’s oldest and largest Latino civil rights organization with a membership-base of over 130,000 breaks with a 90-year tradition and endorses Harris.

“LULAC has a formidable grassroots operation in key battleground states — not just the ones in the Southwest, a senior source in the organization tells CBS News.”

The N.Y. TImes adds that the endorsement which is from the group’s political action committee followed a unanimous vote. And more from CBS News:

  • “More than 36.2 million Latinos will be eligible to cast ballots for president this year, the highest in electoral history, according to Pew.”
  • Latino voting strength is growing in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
  • “Nearly one in four voters in Arizona is Latino.”
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