Speaking in Sacramento on July 24: “Loser’s Consent: Holding a Fair and Legitimate 2024 Election”

Looking forward to speaking this Wednesday at the UC Center, Sacramento:

“Loser’s Consent: Holding a Fair and Legitimate 2024 Election”

Wed, Jul 24, 2024 @ 12:00pm – 1:00pm

1115 11th Street, Sacramento and by Zoom webinar

Professor Richard Hasen, Professor of Law and Political Science and Director of the Safeguarding Democracy Project, UCLA.

Democracy depends not only upon free access to the ballot for eligible voters and a fair vote count; in the long run, it also requires losers to accept election results as legitimate. Lack of consent also raises a risk of election subversion. In the current political environment full of false statements about rigged elections, loser’s consent is far from assured. This discussion will consider challenges to fair and free elections in the United States in 2024 and what to do to shore up election legitimacy in the face of continued attacks.

 Professor Richard Hasen is a Professor of Law and Political Science at UCLA, as well as the director of UCLA Law’s Safeguarding Democracy Project. He is an internationally recognized expert in election law and is co-author of leading casebooks in this area.  In 2020, Professor Hasen served as a CNN Election Law Analyst and, in 2022, as an NBC News/MSNBC Election Law Analyst. Previously, Professor Hasen served as founding co-editor of the peer-reviewed publication, Election Law Journal from 2001-2010. His op-eds and commentaries have appeared in many publications, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Politico.


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