“Courting Risk: Corporate Underwrites & State Attorneys General”

New report from CPA.

From the foreword by Jacob Hacker & Paul Pierson:

Political spending to support controversial policies and leaders thrives in darkness. And no spending has defied necessary scrutiny more than the bigger and bigger donations that public corporations are giving to state attorneys generals through partisan third-party groups.

As this pathbreaking report lays bare, even companies that have dedicated themselves to transparency and accountability in political spending are pouring tens of millions of dollars
into state attorney general races through third-party groups like the Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) and Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA). RAGA, in particular, has raised more than $84 million from public companies and its trade associations (roughly half again more than DAGA), which it has used to help elect state attorneys general who have pursued aggressive litigation directly at odds with these companies’ stated values.

The stakes could not be higher. Riven by gridlock and polarization, America’s Congress has ceded much of its power to shape policy to the courts and the states. In this political vacuum, state attorneys general have become far more powerful. Fueled by the same rising polarization, they have also become far more partisan….

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