“Missoula Republicans use Joseph Stalin quote to recruit election judges”

NBC Montana:

Missoula County Republican Central Committee quoted Joseph Stalin in a section of their website recruiting election judges.

Number four of their eight-step guide reads, “If you found the results of the 2020 elections dubious, you’re not alone. We are actively vetting and enrolling election judges to make sure that every vote counts. ‘Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote, do’, -Joseph Stalin.”

Stalin was a Soviet Union dictator who ruled for over 20 years. He was known for prosecuting any political opponents or citizens who criticized him. Stalin executed 93 of 139 Central Committee members and 81 of 103 generals and admirals. Over 3 million citizens were mass incarcerated in Gulags for opposing him with around 750,000 killed. He was also known for rapidly industrializing the country through force.

The quote grew in popularity following claims that the 2020 election was rigged. USA Today reports that there is no evidence Stalin ever said the quote.

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