“Trump campaign recognized legal risks of false electors, still went forward”

Craig Mauger in the Detroit News:

Top advisers within Donald Trump’s campaign were aware of concerns in early December 2020 that criminal charges could result from submitting certificates falsely claiming the Republican won battleground states like Michigan that he had actually lost, according to documents obtained by The Detroit News.

The emails and text messages among campaign officials and volunteers showed supporters of Trump’s bid to overturn the 2020 presidential election worked to ease worries about potential prosecution in Pennsylvania and New Mexico. But they declined to act on the concerns in Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin, according to the records from a lawyer who aided the Trump campaign.

. . .

“Mike, I think the language at the start of the certificate should be changed in all the states,” Chesebro wrote in a text message to Roman on Dec. 12, 2020, the day of the conference call. “Let’s look at the language carefully.”

“I don’t,” replied Roman, the Trump campaign’s director of election day operations.

“I can help with drafting in a couple hours,” Chesebro then messaged.

Roman responded, “F— these guys.”

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