Watch Archived Video of Safeguarding Democracy Project Conference: “The Law and Politics of Potentially Disqualifying Donald Trump from Running for President”

This virtual conference took place October 20. It was a great set of discussions with Julia Azari, Guy Charles, Edward B. Foley, Mark Graber, Rebecca Green, Gretchen Helmke, Sherrilyn Ifill, Sam Issacharoff, Kurt Lash, Lisa Manheim, Derek Muller, and Daniel Ziblatt.


Panel 1: Deciding on Presidential Disqualification Who, How, When, and Where? (Foley, Green, Manheim, Muller)

Panel 2: The Politics of Candidate Disqualification: Here and Abroad (Azari, Helmke, Issacharoff, Ziblatt)

Panel 3: Does Section 3 of the 14th Amendment Bar Trump from Holding Office? (Charles, Graber, Ifill, Lash)

Conclusion: Roundtable Discussion and Q&A with Panelists

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