Lone Judicial Voice Supporting Trump’s Extraordinary Theories Running for PA Supreme Court Seat

Bolts Magazine has an in depth report on the candidacy of Pennsylvania, Appellate Judge Patricia McCullough,  entitled “The ‘Stop the Steal’ Judge Who Wants a Seat on Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court.

“‘Republican judges across the country stood up and said, “This isn’t right.” If you’re the judge who said that this passes the smell test, that raises real questions,’ [Daniel] Fee said, calling McCullough a ‘national outlier of Republicans across the country.’

Judges of all political stripes rejected Trump’s claims in late 2020. The Washington Post tallied at least 38 Republican-appointed judges had ruled against Trump in the five weeks following the 2020 election. That included a Trump nominee in federal court who called a lawsuit to overturn Wisconsin’s results “extraordinary,” and the supreme court in Arizona, which is filled entirely with justices appointed by Republican governors.”

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