Very excited to be giving this lecture at the University of Richmond.
The University of Richmond School of Law will host Richard Hasen as the 2023 Emroch Lecturer on Monday, Mar. 27 at noon. Professor of law and political science and director of the Safeguarding Democracy Project at UCLA Law, Hasen will present “A Constitutional Right to Vote: Why We Need It and How to Get It.”
It’s time to go on the offensive to protect voting rights. The quadrennial angst this country endures each presidential election cycle over whether we can hold free and fair elections is the product of a dysfunctional, decentralized, partisan election system administered under a national constitution that does not adequately protect voters’ ability to vote and to have each eligible ballot fairly and accurately counted. Professor Hasen will discuss why we need to amend the Constitution to protect the right to vote, what should be in such an amendment, and how to get such an amendment passed in our current polarized political and legal system.
The lecture will be held in person in the Moot Courtroom at the University of Richmond School of Law.
This event is made possible by the Emanuel Emroch Endowment, created in honor of Emanuel Emroch, L’31, founder and president of the Richmond and Virginia Trial Lawyers Association and a member of the International Academy of Trial Lawyers. The Endowment brings engaging and topical speakers to Richmond Law for the benefit of students, faculty, and the local community. Today, the Endowment is supported by Emroch’s son and daughter-in-law, Walter and Karen Emroch.