“Opinion: The fool’s gold of Trump’s decertification plan”

Ginsberg/Bauer/Becker WaPo oped:

As Donald Trump flails about trying to “rescind” the 2020 presidential election and castigating Republicans who point out the Constitution doesn’t allow that, here is a heads-up for state legislators considering doing his bidding: You were elected to office by the same voters using the same ballots on the same day.

If somehow Joe Biden’s victory was fraudulent, so was yours.

If Joe Biden shouldn’t be in the White House, you shouldn’t be in your statehouse.

Wisconsin Republicans pushing that state’s special counsel investigation and those supporting the Cyber Ninja charade in Arizona or the “audits” being attempted in several states and counties apparently aren’t aware of the implications of their claims or how elections work.

You cannot disqualify just one race on an illegal ballot. Simply put, it is impossible.

If a ballot is disqualified because someone voted fraudulently, then all votes for all offices on that ballot must be disqualified, including the votes that likely gave Republican legislators their majorities in key battleground states….

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