My Conversation with Dahlia Lithwick on Slate’s Amicus Podcast: “Why ‘Cheap Speech’ Threatens Democracy”

You can listen here to this great conversation at Slate (with an extended interview for Slate Plus subscribers) (there’s also a transcript there):

Election denialism and disinformation threaten the integrity of U.S. elections, but what can we do about this growing crisis? In this week’s Amicus, Dahlia Lithwick talks to election-law professor Rick Hasen about his new book Cheap Speech: How Disinformation Poisons Our Politics–and How to Cure It.

Slate Plus members have access to an extended version of this interview.
Sign up for Slate Plus now to listen and support our show.

Podcast production by Sara Burningham.

As a Slate subscriber you can hear the extended version of the interview at this link.

The Cheap Speech book is out Tuesday.

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