“Small Donors, Fair Elections: The Changing Nature of Financing D.C. Elections”

Craig Holman has written this draft. Here is the abstract:

The District of Columbia experienced its first full election cycle in the 2020 elections under its new small donor public financing program, known as the Fair Elections Program (FEP). The Fair Elections Program is a hybrid model consisting of an initial bloc grant of public funds to boost the campaigns of qualified candidates early in the election, followed with a 5-to-1 matching grant system for small donations for the remainder of the campaign. The small donor public financing program was adopted unanimously by the District Council in the wake of serious election scandals, and with specific objectives in mind: (i) Increase candidate participation and diversity; (ii) amplify the voices of small donors; (iii) increase donor diversity; and (iv) shift to whom elected officials are accountable. The results of the special, primary and general elections in 2020 indicate that the Fair Elections program has largely met these objectives.

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