“10 Most-Cited Legislation/Statutory Interpretation Law Faculty in the U.S., 2016-2020”

Brian Leiter:

Based on the latest Sisk data, here are the ten most-cited law faculty working on legislation (understood broadly to include statutory interpretation and study of the legislative [e.g., Congressional] process) in the U.S. for the period 2016-2020 (inclusive) (remember that the data was collected in late May/early June of 2021, and that the pre-2021 database did expand a bit since then).  Numbers are rounded to the nearest ten.    Faculty for whom roughly 75% or more of their citations (based on a sample) are in this area are listed; others with less than 75% of their citations in this field (but still a plurality) are listed in the category of “other highly cited scholars who work partly in this area.”  (Thanks to Professors Ryan Doerfler and Daniel Rodriguez for help in thinking about the contours of this specialty and identifying relevant scholars; mistakes are mine!)

Legislation (including statutory interpretation and legislative process)

RankNameSchoolCitationsAge in 2021
1John ManningHarvard University96060
2Abbe GluckYale University71046
3Matthew StephensonHarvard University         50047
4Victoria NourseGeorgetown University35062
5Lawrence SolanBrooklyn Law School25069
6Daniel RodriguezNorthwestern University22059
7Josh ChafetzGeorgetown University19042
 Jane SchachterStanford University19063
9Aaron-Andrew BruhlCollege of William & Mary18043
10Anita KrishnakumarGeorgetown University14046
 Other highly cited scholars who work partly in this area   
 William EskridgeYale University216070
 Lisa BressmanVanderbilt University  56055
 Caleb NelsonUniversity of Virginia  54055
 Jacob GersenHarvard University         39048
 James BrudneyFordham University  28071
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